Established after the end of the World War II, Ameyoko was originally a black market, similar to Akihabara. While in Akihabara the products were mainly electrical appliances, in Ameyoko the main attraction was the sweets. And the sweets were mostly imported from America, hence the original name of
Ameya-yokocho アメヤ横丁, which can be translated as "Candy store alley", but
Ame also means America.
Today, Ameyoko is a vivid place, filled with shops selling an astonishing variety of products at (sometimes surprisingly) low prices. But whether you're interested in shopping or not, I think that Ameyoko should be a must see place for any visitor to Tokyo...
EXIF info:
Nikon Df
Lens: 24-70mm F/2.8G
Focal Length: 24mm
Aperture: F/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/640s
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 200