Last summer, one morning, while passing through the Japan Rail Ueno Station, I discovered on the side of the main hall, a huge... egg:
It was a Pokemon egg, part of the promotional campaign for the last
Pokemon anime film, like the famous
Yamanote Pokemon train.
Even if it was closed, the children were attracted to it like bees to honey:
Later in the morning, the egg hatched...
... and the famous Pokemon characters started emerging from it...
... being immediately assaulted by the boys. The villains were receiving flicks and kicks while Pikachu, obviously, was everyone's favorite....
... the girls however, were more interested by the large collection of Pokemon merchandise and souvenirs...
... all of them quite tempting. I have to admit, me too, I bought for myself a set of Pokemon chopsticks. I know, they're for kids, but my hand is small, so these are also a perfect fit for me... :roll:
After 6:30PM, the attendants carefully packed the items, closing it back...
Pokemon promotion in Ueno ... and returning it to its position, with most of the people ignoring it...
Vara trecută, într-o dimineaţă când treceam prin staţia JR Ueno, am descoperit într-un colţ al clădirii principale un mare... ou:
Era un ou Pokemon, care făcea parte din campania de promovare a ultimului
film Pokemon, la fel ca celebrul tren
Yamanote Pokemon.
Chiar şi atunci când era închis, copiii erau atraşi de el ca albinele de miere:
Dis de dimineaţă, oul se spărgea...
... şi cunoscutele personaje Pokemon începeau să iasă din el...
... fiind imediat asaltate de băieţi. Personajele negative primeau pumni şi şuturi, în timp ce Pikachu, evident, era favoritul tuturor...
... însă fetele erau interesate mai mult de marea colecţie de obiecte şi suveniruri Pokemon...
... toate tentante. Chiar şi eu mi-am cumpărat un set de Pokemon chopsticks. Ştiu, sunt pentru copii, dar mâna mea este mică, aşa că se mi se potrivesc perfect... :roll:
După 6:30, vânzătorii împachetau cu grijă obiectele, închizând oul la loc...
Pokemon promotion in Ueno ... şi după ce era din nou închis, marea majoritate a oamenilor îl ignorau din nou...