This year, the well known Sega game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog celebrated the 25th anniversary. First released in 1991, Sonic the Hedgehog was followed by an astonishing number of games, and the franchise also inspired multiple manga and anime series, as well as American cartoons and comics. It was awarded seven Guinness records, and I also learned that a live-action movie is being produced.
The anniversary was well observed in Japan, these days there's even a train in Tokyo decorated with Sonic characters. So, no wonder that on the streets of
Akihabara, in the heart of the manga/anime/gaming town, you can meet on the street with Sonic himself...
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega, Akihabara, Tokyo EXIF info:
iPhone 7
Aperture: F/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/100s
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 20