Located in Suginami-ku, a Tokyo ward known as "the anime town" because 70 of the ~400 companies working in the Japanese anime industry are concentrated here, Suginami Animation Museum is a real museum (unlike the better known Tokyo Anime Center from Akihabara, which is more like a shop than a museum). Probably the main reason for being so little known outside Japan is the location, far from the most visited areas. The museum was opened in 2005 under the supervision of Shinichi Suzuki, one of the founders of an anime related company, Studio Zero.
There are many interesting facts to learn about the Japanese anime in this museum and a lot of anime-related items to see. One of my favorite sections was the Japanese anime history, featuring a wall with a chronological display of images about the beginning and the development of anime:
Suginami Animation Museum, Suginami, Tokyo EXIF info:
Nikon D90
Lens: VR 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6G
Focal Length: 18mm
Aperture: F/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/60s
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 400