I don’t know how other people feel, but I love anniversaries related to my own works. They are always an opportunity to look back on what has happened in the past year and to look forward to what lies ahead… So, when it comes to my site, I review everything, taking into account the accumulated experience… and I just did that now, on the 4th anniversary of the A Japan Photo per Day series.
From the first photo of the series (the Asakusa Shrine night view) to the present one, I tried to share, with all of you, why I like so much Japan and its people, why I visit it so often and why I write about it every day, even when I’m 9000 kilometers away.

4 Years of Daily Japan Photos… Top 12 Visitors Choice
I hope I managed to convey my feelings, I hope I managed to inspire you a little - and from your amazing feedback on site and on social networks, I believe I did - and of course, I hope you’ll continue to come along for the next portion of the journey!
And speaking about feedback, like the other anniversaries, I analyzed the traffic statistics and your Likes, Retweets, Shares and Pluses, compiling a Top 12 of the most popular “readers’ choice” photos from the passed year - actually, the top includes 14 photos, because I couldn’t decide between the 3 photos on the 12th place (^_^;).
Here they are, in countdown order:
Sugidama, the Sake indicator [read more]
Shinjuku Skyscrapers, the symbols of modern Japan [read more]
11. Simply beautiful Japanese scenes, Red bridge in Hakone [read more]
10. Romantic night in Kyoto [read more]
9. Traditional Japanese castle interior, Maruoka [read more]
8. Japanese Ghost story, the impossible-to-count Bake Jizo [read more]
7. Japanese Castle types, Hirajiro [read more]
6. Kyoto tourist traps, Ponto-cho [read more]
5. Night walk through thousands of gates [read more]
4. Japanese Customs and Traditions, Toro nagashi [read more]
3. Unusual Japanese traditional architecture, Komayose [read more]
2. Perfect view of Mount Fuji from Shinkansen [read more]
1. Cherry blossoms and white paper lanterns at Mount Kurama, Kyoto [read more]
I thank you all, dear friends, for being with me all these years. It’s not only my anniversary, it’s yours too!
Arigatou gozaimashita!