Inside the complex from the Kanda Miyojin Shrine, I noticed a miniature architectural jewel, a shrine dedicated to Inari, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine. Everything looked so shiny and magical that I immediately started taking pictures.

Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
Inari is one of the most important kami (gods) from the Shinto religion, the kami of fertility, rice, agriculture and industry.

Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
As usual, the Shrine’s entrance is marked with a vermilion torii…

Torii, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
… and on the sides you can see the statues of the two kitsune guardians…

Kitsune Guardians, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
… one male and one female, both adorned with red bibs:

Kitsune Guardian, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
Usually, the kitsune statues are represented holding something symbolic in their mouth: a scroll or a key… I can’t figure out what the one from the left is holding:

Kitsune Guardian, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
… but the one from the right side is clearly holding a jewel:

Kitsune Guardian, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
Like in many other places in Japan, near the shrine, on the right side, there’s a cherry tree:

Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
On the back, to the right, you can see another torii marking the entrance to the Kanda Myojin complex.

Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
I think it’s really great to live in the apartments in this area…

Torii, Kanda Myojin Suehiro Inari Shrine
If you wish to see it, the Suehiro Inari Shrine is right behind the famous Kanda Myojin Shrine:

Kanda Myojin Shrine