Kappa are water spirits, creatures living in rivers, generally mischievous, known for stealing crops and kidnapping children. They are the size of a 6-10 years child, they smell like fish and can change their color, like chameleons.
On their back they have a tortoise-like shell and on their heads there is a plate filled with a liquid. The power of the Kappa draws from that plate, so if the liquid is spilled, the kappa lose its power.
Even if quite small, the kappa is a very strong creature, and this combined with their bad behavior makes them quite dangerous. However, it’s good to know that they do have a weakness, their obsession for politeness.
So, if you happen to meet a kappa, you must perform a deep bow in front of him. The kappa will likely respond with an even deeper bow and… it will spill the liquid and will loose its power… :p
Well, one evening, I was strolling down the Kappabashi street in Asakusa, when suddenly, in front of a small shop, I noticed a figure resembling a kappa… It seemed to be a wooden statue… but who knows… it might have been a kappa in disguise… :p

The head was tilted back, probably part of the liquid was already spilled… so I approached, hoping that he was powerless…

…but surprise, seen from the front side, it was just a women disguised in kappa. :D

- Kappa on Wikipedia